Workshop in Canary Islands
On Tuesday 15 February 2022 the Canary Islands workshop of the MESfIA project took place. It was organized by the local MESfIA project partner, the Canary Islands Institute of Technology…
On Tuesday 15 February 2022 the Canary Islands workshop of the MESfIA project took place. It was organized by the local MESfIA project partner, the Canary Islands Institute of Technology…
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
ERASMUS+ programme under grant agreement No. 2018-2490/001-001.
Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU), Greece
Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) is a higher education and VET provider. It is now comprised of 15 departments in a variety of scientific and technological disciplines. HMU is a thriving academic and research community with an expert faculty of about 400 members and approximately 12.000 students. Through National and European projects (which allowed the development of institutional contracts with 150 partners), HMU is driving regional development and is committed towards the formation of the European Research Area. In 1995 a Jean Monnet Chair has been established targeting to the European dimension of HMU activities, while within ERASMUS/SOCRATES, LINGUA, TEMPUS, COMET and LEONARDO, Hellenic Mediterranean University now collaborates with over 170 Universities across Europe, South America and the USA. Furthermore, HMU was one of the founding members of T.E.X.T. (Trans-European Exchange and Transfer) which set up the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Concluding, HMU also participates and organizes seminars, conferences and exhibitions at national and international level. Based on the technological character of HMU, it has strong relations with industry and private or public organizations and enterprises and it has been involved in many research and application projects in various fields including energy, environment, materials, informatics, automation etc
Eurotraining Educational Organization, Greece
Eurotraining is a Vocational Educational Centre of national scope, specializing in the sectors Entrepreneurship, ICT, Financial Management, Agriculture and Aquaculture, and Tourism. The Organization aims to satisfy the needs of enterprises, bodies & organizations both in public and the private sector. Its actions address the labor potential of the market wishing to upgrade their qualifications and abilities. Special focus is put on unemployed people, incoming employed people in the labor market, new entrepreneurs, employees, disabled people, enterprises officers, graduates of high schools and Universities. Key Activities are modern vocational training programs, web-based Learning Management Systems, human resources training seminars, and inter-entrepreneurship training seminars. Eurotraining holds 3 affiliations with 5 teaching classrooms in three main cities in (Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos), 6 IT Laboratories, specialized equipment for disabled people, Libraries with Internet access, Child care facilities, and evaluation system of training tasks (ARGUS ERP).
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was established on December 19, 1949 as a state and national university. Considered one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, it serves as a pillar of educational awakening in Indonesia, and purports to be a defender and disseminator of Pancasila. UGM headquarters is located in the Bulaksumur Campus, Yogyakarta. As of today, UGM has 18 faculties, a vocational school, and a graduate school, offering more than 251 courses. UGM’s mission is inspired by the spirit of Tri Dharma of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi), comprised of Teaching, Research, and Community Services. More than 56,000 students, both domestic and international, are studying at UGM in a myriad of vocational, undergraduate, and graduate programs. At the University, students are provided with a vast array of opportunities to develop creativity and innovation in their realms through the support of modern infrastructure and information technology. As a research university, UGM has been paying a great attention to research activities by motivating faculty members as well as students to conduct and publish their research. Furthermore, this effort is invigorated through developing 25 study centers on diverse scientific fields. Citizenship commitment is manifested in community services as well as community empowerment activities, one of which by assigning students to a rural internship program in all regions of Indonesia. In implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, UGM is equipped with sheer resources of 3,608 faculty members and 4,324 employees who are strongly committed to making UGM the best university and the salient educational reference in Indonesia. To assure the smooth flows of academic and non-academic activities, UGM develops and manages physical infrastructure in the campus environment predicated on the principle of “educopolis”. This principle is elaborated on in the Campus Development Master Plan, which mandates an environment conducive to the learning process and responsive to ecological issues in the context of multidisciplinary collaborations.
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is a regional center of excellence for solution-oriented post graduate education, strategic research and outreach related activities aiming at sustainable development of Asia. It is a multidisciplinary institute with 60 years of history and close working relationships with major development donors, government agencies and private sector partners.Since 1979, AIT’s Energy Program has been involved in energy related post-graduate education (Certificate, Diploma, Master and Doctoral), research and outreach activities. 1,300 energy alumni graduates play leadership role globally. Its activities are centered around energy technology, energy policy planning and economics, energy business, and electrical power system management. Energy access, energy efficiency, renewable energy and climate change are top research priorities of the program together with feeding into it the newly emerging trends such as digitalization of economy, disruptive technologies, and availability big data.
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) or Bandung Institute of Technology is a state, coeducational research university located in Bandung, Indonesia. Established on July 3, 1920, ITB is the oldest technology-oriented university in Indonesia. It has been credited as one of the most prestigious universities with the highest selectivity in national entrance exam the country. With the vision of becoming a distinguished internationally recognized university leading changes toward welfare improvement of the nation and the world, ITB carries out the mission to conduct innovations and applications in science, technology, art and humanity and to produce excellent human resources for better nation and world.
ITB has 12 faculties/schools with 102 research groups working on four science-technological clustering: basic science, technology, business and management and humanitarian-social-art. For
collaborative multidisciplinary research, ITB forms 22 bottom-up centers and 7 top-down research centers. By 2016 ITB employs 1,294 faculty members and enrolls 24,073 students. ITB had nine undergraduate study programs with ABET accreditation, including electrical engineering and recently, power engineering. ITB is a member of some leading international university networks, such as LAOTSE for Europe-Asia and AOUTULE for Asian-Oceania. ITB plays an important role in electricity energy policy-making as well as technological development in Indonesia. Recently, ITB has been assigned as the coordinator of energy cluster in the national strategic research cluster with 10 best-performance national university members. ITB has been long time concerned in finding and developing new and renewable energy resources to empower the community in the marginal areas, like in rural and remote area or small island coast. The application of smartness in small-scale green micro-grid becomes the main focus of research for electrifying outreached remote area and thousands of occupied small islands of the total 17,000 islands in Indonesia as the world largest archipelago.
Nong Lam University, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Located in Ho Chi Minh City, Nong Lam University – Ho Chi Minh City (NLU), established since 1955, is one of the top agricultural universities in Vietnam. NLU offers a good living and learning environment and is being the destination for a lot of young and talented students throughout the nation. There are around 14,000 fulltime and more than 6,000 part-time students at NLU which is developing fast with renovated and flexible educational programs.Based on the University’s excellent educational achievements and reputation in agricultural and rural development in Vietnam, NLU has been developing into a multi-discipline university. We currently have more than 50 training programs covering a wide range of science and technology disciplines. The training curricula are approaching international quality and adopting credit systems. The University has been also acting as a bridge to transfer advanced technology, share experience and solve technical problems to communities and entrepreneurs through research, developing projects, workshops and conferences. Many collaboration projects between NLU and international partners have been successfully implemented, contributing to the enhancement of the university’s training and research capacity as well as national development. Empowered faculties, staffs and students have together built up the reputation of Nong Lam University-Ho Chi Minh City.
Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC), Spain
The Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC) is an R&D centre attached to the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry, Trade and Innovation of the Canary Islands Government. The main objectives of ITC’s Renewable Energy Department are to encourage the industrial development of the Canary Islands in the fields of renewable energies, to support the Government of the Canary Islands in the definition of the regional energy policy, especially regarding the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency, and to support efforts to transfer clean energy technologies to neighbouring countries of the Western African Coast. ITC has more than 15 years’ experience designing and installing RES-hybrid systems in rural areas of these countries.
Our R&D work is very focussed on islands, and our main expertise is centred on technical solutions to overcome the challenge of maximizing variable and intermittent Renewable Energy Sources (RES) penetration in small and weak insular electrical grids (useful expertise that has also application in the “energy islands” found in remote rural areas of less developed countries). Of particular interest to ITC, for advancing in the goal of development islands 100% energy self- sufficiency models (with exclusive use of RES), is the dynamic study of the grids (stability) towards increasing RES injection; the development of high RES penetration microgrid concepts for urban or rural areas and even for entire islands; the development of specific energy-climate models to reliably forecast wind or solar power production; implementation of Demand Side Management and Demand Response, as a means of peak-shaving of the electrical demand curve of islands.
The main fields of research of the Renewable Energy Department are:
The University of Da Nang, Vietnam
The University of Danang (UD) was established following the Decree 32/CP dated April 04th 1994 of the Government. UD is a national multi-level, multi-disciplinary university training human resources for the Central Area and Western Highlands of Vietnam. UD consisted of 9 members: University of Sciences and Technology, University of Technology and Education, University of Economics, University of Foreign Language Studies, University of Education, VN-UK Institute of Research and Executive education, School of Medicine and Pharmacy, College of Information Technology, and the Campus in Kontum. UD currently has 2,500 staff, 158 undergraduate majors, 48 master's majors, 36 doctoral degrees, 54,000 students (including 5000 postgraduate students). UD is also one of the very first institutions in Vietnam that have engaged in the Vietnam’s training quality accreditation system and several disciplines have been recognized internationally. In order to integrate training and doing research, quickly develop post-graduate training scale as well as enhance the quality of scientific research, the university has recently created Teaching-Research Teams (TRT), built a number of research centers, modern laboratories through intensive and in-depth investment of the State. A number of projects involving research and technology transfer have been licensed with patents and applied in reality.
Naresuan University, Phitsanulok , Thailand
Naresuan University (NU) is the comprehensive university lives up to the public expectations in providing diverse, cutting-edge programs through 22 faculties, colleges, and a demonstration school. In academic year 2016, the number of full time academic staff are 1,459 and the number of the students who come from 77 provinces of Thailand and twenty-one foreign countries are 21,759, totally. NU emphasizes the improvement of educational opportunity and equity for all as one of the top government university in Thailand. A strong focus is placed upon research, innovation, partnership, and internationalization. NU vision statement affirms a commitment to continue proactive roles in promoting high standards in higher education both in the national and international arenas. All the programs are continuously enriched and informed by the rapid transfer of new knowledge used in ongoing curriculum improvements. Due to the new government goal of Thailand 4.0, launched in 2016, it is shown that Thai government give the priority to the energy innovation as well as stimulate the university to produce the task force, research and development in this sector. NU also has the clear direction to not only do the research on energy and environmental issues but also provide variety of curriculums in this sector.
Université Toulouse 3 – PAUL SABATIER (UPS), France
Since its creation in 1969, UPS has been expanding its offer of multidisciplinary education in the fields of science, health, engineering, technology and sports, developing one of the most important scientific research clusters in France. Centered on Toulouse, European space and aeronautics capital, UPS is a renowned European university with a global outlook. This institution is the second largest scientific University in France and host each year around 32,000 students (11,000 graduations per year in average), and supervised by approximately 2,600 teachers and teacher researchers with PhD degree and 1,980 library and administrative andtechnical staff members. UPS has 247-hectare campus 407,200 m 2 of premises, with 127,600 m2 dedicated to research (65 research laboratories). UPS is delivering around 500 PhDs degree every year. UPS is one of the leading French universities, in the quality of its teaching, the breadth of its scientific research and the number of students it attracts. With university courses aligning with European harmonization of qualifications, professional training attuned to the world of employment and proactive teaching strategies, UPS is constantly innovating, bringing realism and ambition to the education it provides. Whatever field is chosen: core sciences, life sciences and health, technology, sports or human and social sciences, all courses are available full or part-time. Courses with a professional focus, which are genuine passports to working life, are offered alongside more traditional courses which orient students towards positions in teaching and research. Above all, UPS is committed to the success of its students, who are given guidance in mapping out their future career and the best pattern of education to choose. As one of the top research establishments in France, UPS is active in public research at the highest level, working with excellence clusters and creating numerous partnerships with major scientific bodies. Recognized across Europe and all over the world, UPS research laboratories function in a scientific research context that works both with the core disciplines, and transversal scientific applications, sharing the results of their work to increase productivity in core research and encourage knowledge transfer.
Canary Wharf Consulting LTD, United Kingdom
Canary Wharf Consulting Limited is a British consulting company, which, since its inception, has managed to establish a considerable track record of successful, high-impact projects and partnerships, adding value to companies, organizations, and government institutions and agencies at home and abroad. CWC offers high-level consulting services to a diverse client-base in both the public and private sector, from private businesses and social enterprises to government institutions and public agencies. CWC offers services in Business Development; International Development; Consulting; and Marketing and business promotion; IT services and web-based enterprise promotion.