About the Conference
In many parts of the world, infrastructures for reliable energy supply are often either too costly or not technologically viable due to geographical and other limitations. In isolated areas, the communities are not only physically isolated but are left behind developmentally. Without basic and reliable energy services or limited access to electricity, socio-economic growth becomes a challenging issue for these areas. Current advances and favourable economics in renewable energy technologies like solar, biomass, wind and hydro in recent year have opened new opportunities to provide access to electricity of these isolated areas. On-site renewable based micro-grids can now be set-up to feed electricity requirements in areas like remote islands and mountainous areas, that were once unreachable by mainland power grids, so that economic activity in such areas can thrive. Transportation can be greener if dependencies on fossil-based fuels can be curtailed through alternatives such as biodiesels. Cooking using efficient stoves and modern fuels reduces drudgery, improves health and saves time.
This international conference on Mastering Energy Supply focusing on Isolated Areas (MESFIA 2021) aims to help bridge the existing gap by providing a platform to share various ideas and exchange experiences from different parts of the world regarding how to effectively address energy supply issues in isolated areas.
This two-day MESFIA 2021 international conference will include a panel discussion participated by energy ministries, utility companies and related entities, whose focus is on providing energy supply to isolated areas. The participants include key persons from Southeast Asian region and from the Pacific, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, who will tackle issues and share experiences in managing isolated power systems.
Keynote presentations from representatives from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), will provide more insights on their activities towards promoting energy access in this region.
The conference has received submissions not only from students and members of the academia in the Southeast Asian region but also from European universities in France, Germany, Greece, and Spain, which will promote knowledge exchange. Paper presentations are organized into six (6) different sessions for effective discussions on the different aspects of enhancing energy access in isolated areas. Technical papers will be presented in sessions on Renewable Energy Resources; Energy Supply in Island Communities; Electricity Access and Microgrids; Energy Supply in Mountainous and Isolated Areas. Policy and social development papers are in sessions on Promoting Electricity Access; and Energy Access and Social Development.
This MESFIA 2021 international conference believes that while it is important to understand the technicalities of different new technologies for energy access in isolated areas, it is also very crucial to appreciate the socio-economic development perspectives since an effective interplay of both will be important in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This activity is being organized as a part of the ERASMUS+ project titled Mastering Energy Supply focusing on Isolated Areas (MESfIA)- Project No. 598716-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, co-funded by the Educational, Audiovisual and Cultural Exchange Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.